Periodontology is a branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions affecting the tissues that support the teeth, such as the gums, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligaments.

Periodontal conditions can be caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking, systemic diseases, or genetic predisposition. The most common periodontal conditions are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums and can be reversible by improving oral hygiene. Periodontitis is a more severe condition that leads to the destruction of alveolar bone and can result in tooth loss.

Periodontal treatment usually involves improved oral hygiene and professional scaling and root planing to remove bacterial plaque and tartar. In more severe cases, surgical intervention such as periodontal surgery may be performed to remove infected tissues and restore gum and supporting tissue health.

Dentoalveolar surgery is a branch of dentistry that involves surgical procedures performed on teeth and the surrounding tissues. These procedures include tooth extraction, root canal treatment, and apical surgery.

Tooth extraction is necessary for teeth affected by cavities, infections, or other conditions that cannot be treated by other means. Root canal treatment is required when the dental pulp, which contains the nerves and blood vessels of the teeth, is infected or damaged. Apical surgery is a procedure performed to treat infections and inflammation at the tip of a tooth’s root.

Generally, dentoalveolar surgery is performed under local anesthesia and may be associated with minimal postoperative discomfort. It is important to follow postoperative instructions to minimize the risk of complications.

In conclusion, periodontology and dentoalveolar surgery are important branches of dentistry that address the health of gums, supporting tissues of the teeth, and the treatment of tooth and root-related conditions. It is essential to have regular dental check-ups and maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent the development of periodontal conditions.



Evaluare parodontala si parodontometrie 200 lei
Detartraj subgingival cu ultrasunete/ arcada 250 lei
Detartraj si surfasaj radicular in camp inchis/ dinte 100 lei
Detartraj si surfasaj radicular in camp deschis/ dinte 190 lei
Aplicare substante antiseptice 50 lei
Control parodontologic 60 lei
Imobilizare parodontala compozit 400 lei
Imobilizare parodontala cu fibra (Kerr) 550 lei
Imobilizare parodontala exerStick Perio 650 lei
Gingivoosteoplastie (elongare coronara) functionala/ dinte 300 lei
Grefa libera 800 lei
Lambou deplasat coronar cu grafa de conjuctiv 1.000 lei
Tunelizare/dinte 500 lei
Tunelizare cu grefa de conjunctiv/ dinte 1.000 lei


Extractie monoradiculari 300 lei
Extractie pluriradiculari 400 lei
Extractie cu separare de radacini 500 lei
Extractie/ Odontectomie molar de minte 500 – 700 lei
Extractie chirurgicala dinte inclus 800 lei
Extractie dinte parodontotic 250 lei
Rezectie apicala frontali 600 lei
Rezectie apicala premolari 700 lei
Rezectie apicala molari 900 lei
Rezectie apicala cu obturatie retrograda cu MTA/radacina 800 lei
The best recommendation is you, the patients.


After I went in 6 different places in Cluj-Napoca, I chose this one to fix my front teeth, after an accident. They stayed with me until 23 pm just before Christmas, to fix my smile. I still get compliments for my smile, no one knows I wear a crown, so I'm an undercover queen.
Totul a fost perfect de fiecare dată când am fost în vizită, și am avut destule vizite în ultimul an și jumătate 😉 De la zâmbetul impecabil al fetelor de la recepție, până la profesionalismul medicilor, totul a fost la locul lor. Chiar și în aceste vremuri grele, ei au fost întotdeauna atenți la nevoile clienților și, de asemenea, au respectat toate regulile și reglementările. Cred cu adevărat că Adela Zimbran și Mihai Zimbran sunt cei mai buni din oraș. Îți mulțumesc foarte mult pentru toate eforturile de a-mi face zâmbetul și mai frumos 🙂
Ancuta Camelia
Un cabinet frumos ! Curat !! Și cu Doctori profesioniști !! Multă amabilitate !! Recomand !!!!

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per inceptos hime naeos.

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