Aplicare pansament devitalizant | 100 lei |
Coafaj natural/indirect/ direct dinte permanent | 200 lei |
Aplicare baza Biodentine/ glassionomer | 100/50 lei |
Consultatie pediatrica, diagnostic, plan de tratament, instructaj, dieta, metode profilaxie | 200 lei |
Control periodic 3/6 luni | 100 lei |
Consultatie (pacient necooperant) | 150 lei |
Tratament urgenta (traumatism, drenaj endo) | 250 lei |
Pachet igienizare (detartraj, periaj, airflow) | 250 lei |
Extractie dinte monoradicular | 150 lei |
Extractie dinte pluriradicular | 200-350 lei |
Igienizare copii (instructaj de periaj, periaj profesional, fluorizare) | 200 lei |
Fluorizare | 200 lei |
Obturatie glassionomer dinte permanent | 250 lei |
Obturatie glassionomer dinte temporar | 200 lei |
Obturatie compozit pe dinte permanent | 300-500 lei |
Obturatie provizorie dinte temporar | 150 lei |
Obturatie Twinki star dinte temporar | 200 lei |
Periaj profesional | 150 lei |
Pulpectomie vitala monoradicular/pluriradicular | 200/300 lei |
Pulpotomie vitala | 250 lei |
Reconstructie cu capa de celuloid | 200 lei |
Sigilare dinte permanent | 200lei |
Sigilare dinte temporar | 100 lei |
Tratament devitalizant | 100 lei |
Coroana pedodontica preformata | 300-400 lei |
Reconstructie coronara cu cape | 250 lei |
Mentionator de spatiu | 400 lei |
Mentinator de spatiu cu coroana | 600 lei |
Dental caries prevention
The development of dental buds begins in the 6th intrauterine week and continues for a long period, until the age of 13-14. Therefore, caries prevention should start during pregnancy, continue during breastfeeding, and be maintained for young children and adolescents. It can be achieved through:
- Balanced nutrition: Reducing carbohydrate consumption, avoiding sticky forms (candies, sweets, biscuits), and adjusting the timing of meals (preferably non-cariogenic foods between meals, such as whole grain bread, milk, cheese, and fruits).
- Fluoride administration: Only a small amount of fluoride is found in the modern diet (0.3-0.5 mg), with the highest concentration in tea, seaweed, fish, and unpolished rice. In some countries, water, bread, milk, and salt are fluoridated. Fluoride can also be administered in tablet form, tailored to the child’s age. To be effective, it should start during pregnancy, continue during breastfeeding, and then be given to the child up to the age of 4. Caution should be exercised to prevent fluoride abuse, which can lead to fluorosis (the appearance of white, chalky, or yellow stains on teeth).
- Oral hygiene: It should be performed after each meal to reduce the duration of food stagnation, especially in the evening before bedtime (reduced salivary flow favors acid production and its persistence in dental plaque). Up to the age of 3, oral hygiene should be performed by the mother, and afterward, the child should be taught to brush their teeth independently, with parents assisting and supervising until the age of 6. How to brush our teeth? We invite parents and children to our clinic for a free and instructive toothbrushing session.
- Sealing of fissures and pits: Applying a specific material (sealant) without prior drilling to block the access of bacteria responsible for the development of caries in the fissures and pits of newly erupted teeth.
Treatment of Temporary Tooth Decay
Simple caries: without affecting the dental pulp, pain when consuming sweets or other foods. Treatment involves the removal of affected dental tissues either with rotary instruments or with Black spoon excavators, cleaning of the obtained cavity, and filling (sealing) it with materials from the compomer class (very good adhesion, fluoride release, in a wide range of cheerful colors, to the delight of the little ones) or with glass ionomers.
Complicated caries: pulp inflammation, in which the pain is long-lasting or dental gangrene. Treatment consists of removing the infected nerve and filling the prepared cavity.
Waiting for the Tooth Fairy
Starting from the age of 5-6 years, a new stage begins in the development of your child’s teeth, namely the eruption stage of permanent teeth. This begins with the replacement of the temporary lower central incisors and the appearance of the first permanent molar, with each milk tooth being replaced by a permanent tooth until around the age of 12 years.
The sign announcing the arrival of the Tooth Fairy is the mobility of the tooth. In our clinic, the extraction of milk teeth is a very simple and atraumatic procedure: the crocodile numbs the tooth and the pliers remove it in an instant.
Attention! Premature extraction of milk teeth can have serious repercussions on the eruption of replacement teeth and on the bite. If the doctor decides that the tooth can no longer be saved, requiring its extraction, and the time interval until the eruption of the permanent tooth is long, it is recommended to create a space maintainer.
When is it advisable to take our little ones for an orthodontic consultation?
Harmful habits and parafunctions: thumb sucking, pencil chewing, cheek biting, lower lip sucking, mouth breathing (inability to breathe through the nose), atypical swallowing (placing the tongue between the teeth while swallowing), bruxism (teeth grinding at night), and sleep apnea.
Also, the following indicators suggest that it’s time for a visit to the dentist:
- Dental crowding (teeth crammed due to lack of space)
- Open bite (space between the upper and lower teeth)
- Deep bite (complete covering of the lower teeth by the upper teeth)
- Frontal crossbite (lower teeth overlap the upper teeth)
- Posterior crossbite (reverse bite in the back teeth)
- Protrusion (upper teeth extend too far out)
- Abnormal eruption (teeth erupt outside the arch: frequently lower incisors towards the tongue, upper canines above the other teeth)
Dental Braces for Children
It refers to the intervention on causal factors and the favorable influence on bone growth processes, to achieve lasting results, in a short time, with simple means. Among the types of dental braces used in the treatment of dentomaxillary anomalies at young ages (6-10 years), we mention: removable dental braces for children (the multicolored plates in the image), Delaire mask for stimulating the growth of the jaw (in frontal inverse occlusions), lip-bumper for lower lip parafunctions, distalization of lower molars, and correcting the crowding of lower teeth, and lastly, trainers.
The T4K® trainer is another very efficient dental brace for children, used in early mixed dentition (6-8 years) to guide the eruption of teeth and correct harmful habits, and must be worn throughout the night for about 1 year.