from A to Z

de la A la Z

de la A la Z

de la A la Z

de la A la Z

de la A la Z
Implant dentar
se ocupa cu indreptarea pozitiei dintilor, reglarea ocluziei si a rapoartelor dintre…
Dinti ficsi in 24 de ore
Apeleaza cu incredere la serviciile noastre stomatologice
Aparate dentare
inovatia medicala care presupune inlocuirea unui dinte sau a mai multor dinti…
Fatete dentare
insumeaza metodele de restaurare morfo-functionala si estetica a aparatului….
Dental implant
The implant involves the replacement of one or more teeth that are missing and restores their functionality in proportion to 95%.
Fixed teeth in 24 hours
The procedure “Fixed teeth in 24 hours” managed to change the lives of patients who had no teeth at all or who had a compromised dentition.
Orthodontics is the specialty that deals with straightening the position of the teeth, adjusting the occlusion and the ratios between the two jaws.
Dental veneers
Dental veneers are extremely thin ceramic prosthetic works that are applied to the teeth in order to give them an improved appearance…
We love what we do and for this reason our patients smile confidently at the end of the treatment.
The best recommendation is you, the patients.
AZdent doctors are ready to help you

The branch of dentistry towards which all other specialties converge and represents the most important tool in recreating a pleasant physiognomic appearance and a harmonious smile.

The dental implant is the medical innovation that involves the replacement of one or more missing teeth and restores their functionality in a proportion of 95%.

Dental prosthetics summarizes the methods of morpho-functional and aesthetic restoration of the dento-maxillary apparatus (ADM) with the help of prostheses that are biocompatible.

Straightening the position of the teeth, adjusting the occlusion (bite) and the ratios between the two jaws. Orthodontic appliances are of several types and are recommended by the orthodontist for each one.

All the dental services your child needs, in a friendly atmosphere, with an exceptional approach.

Endodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with root canal treatment and represents the basis of dentistry.

Treatment of carious and non-carious lesions by direct reconstruction of the dental crown with physiological or non-physionomic materials.

Treatment of gingival diseases that lead to periodontal diseases that favor the creation of infections, inflammations and tooth loss.