Endodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and the periapical tissue that surrounds the root of the tooth. This is an important branch of dentistry that focuses on saving teeth and their internal structure. Understanding tooth anatomy is important to understanding endodontics. The tooth consists of three main parts: the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth, the root, which is the part hidden in the bone, and the dental pulp, which is the soft tissue located in the center of the tooth, which contains the nerves and blood vessels that feed the tooth. Conditions that require endodontic treatment include extensive tooth decay, tooth fractures, traumatic injuries to the tooth, or bacterial infections. In the absence of endodontic treatment, these conditions can lead to inflammation, pain and tooth loss. Endodontic treatment consists of removing the affected pulp tissue and cleaning the root canal. This process is performed under local anesthesia to minimize patient pain and discomfort. After the root canal is cleaned, it is filled with an inert material to prevent the canal from becoming infected and to provide support for the remaining tooth structure. After endodontic treatment, it is important that the patient follows the dentist’s instructions and takes proper care of the treated tooth. Regular dental care and regular visits to the dentist are also important to maintaining a patient’s dental health. In conclusion, endodontics is an important branch of dentistry that focuses on treating diseases of the dental pulp and periapical tissue. Endodontic treatment can save teeth and prevent more serious oral health problems in the future. It is important for patients to have adequate oral hygiene and consider endodontic treatment when necessary to maintain long-term dental health.



Drenaj endodontic 200 lei
Pulpectomie monoradiculari 400-500 lei
Pulpectomie pluriradiculari 500 – 700 lei
Obturatie canal monoradiculari 250 lei
Obturatie canal pluriradiculari /canal 180 lei/canal
Sedinta intermediara cu hidroxid de calciu 200 lei
Pansament calmant 200 lei
Reconstructie preendodontica perete dentar 150 – 250 lei
Indepartare pivot/DCR 300 lei
The best recommendation is you, the patients.


After I went in 6 different places in Cluj-Napoca, I chose this one to fix my front teeth, after an accident. They stayed with me until 23 pm just before Christmas, to fix my smile. I still get compliments for my smile, no one knows I wear a crown, so I'm an undercover queen.
Totul a fost perfect de fiecare dată când am fost în vizită, și am avut destule vizite în ultimul an și jumătate 😉 De la zâmbetul impecabil al fetelor de la recepție, până la profesionalismul medicilor, totul a fost la locul lor. Chiar și în aceste vremuri grele, ei au fost întotdeauna atenți la nevoile clienților și, de asemenea, au respectat toate regulile și reglementările. Cred cu adevărat că Adela Zimbran și Mihai Zimbran sunt cei mai buni din oraș. Îți mulțumesc foarte mult pentru toate eforturile de a-mi face zâmbetul și mai frumos 🙂
Ancuta Camelia
Un cabinet frumos ! Curat !! Și cu Doctori profesioniști !! Multă amabilitate !! Recomand !!!!

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