Dental prosthesis is an important branch of dentistry that deals with replacing missing or damaged teeth through dental prostheses. Dental prostheses are artificial devices that are fixed to teeth or gums and serve to replace missing or damaged natural teeth.

Dental prostheses can be classified into two main categories: fixed prostheses and removable prostheses. Fixed prostheses include dental crowns, dental bridges, and implant-supported dental prostheses, which are permanently fixed to teeth or dental implants. Removable prostheses include partial dentures and complete dentures, which can be removed and placed in the mouth by the patient.

Dental prosthesis may be necessary when one or more teeth are lost or damaged due to tooth decay, trauma, or other dental conditions. In addition, dental prosthesis can also be useful when natural teeth are affected by gum diseases or jawbone diseases.

The dental prosthesis procedure involves several steps. First, the dentist will assess the overall condition of the teeth and determine the type of prosthesis that is most suitable for the patient. Then, preparation of the teeth and gums for the dental prosthesis will be necessary. This may involve, for example, the removal of affected teeth or the removal of a certain amount of gingival tissue.

After preparing the teeth and gums, an impression of the patient’s mouth will be made, which will be used to create the dental prosthesis. This can be done in the dental laboratory or through a CAD/CAM system (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing). In the case of fixed prostheses, they will be fixed to teeth or dental implants through dental adhesives or screws.

Dental prostheses require proper care and maintenance to prevent infections and other dental problems. In addition, it is important for patients to follow the dentist’s recommendations regarding the replacement period for dental prostheses.

In conclusion, dental prosthesis is an important solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth and can significantly improve the quality of life for patients facing dental problems. It is important for patients to discuss with their dentist the best dental prosthesis options for their individual needs.



Coroana ceramica pe ZIRCONIU 1800 lei
Coroana metalo-ceramica Ivoclar 1100 lei
Coroana provizorie acrilat 300 lei
Dispozitiv corono-radicular 300 lei
Pivot din fibra de sticla 300 lei
Cimentare/ dinte 100 lei
Cimentare adeziva/ dinte 200 lei
Waxup si Mockup/ dinte 200 lei
Ablatie coroana 100 lei
Proteza totala 3000 lei
Proteza partiala acrilica (+ pelote, crosete) 3000 lei
Proteza scheletata: schelet metalic+ sei+ dinti acrilat 6000 lei
Proteza scheletata: sisteme de ancorare 400 – 1500 lei
Miniproteza Kemmeny 500 lei
Rebazare proteza 500 lei
Reparatie dinte/croset 300 lei
The best recommendation is you, the patients.


After I went in 6 different places in Cluj-Napoca, I chose this one to fix my front teeth, after an accident. They stayed with me until 23 pm just before Christmas, to fix my smile. I still get compliments for my smile, no one knows I wear a crown, so I'm an undercover queen.
Totul a fost perfect de fiecare dată când am fost în vizită, și am avut destule vizite în ultimul an și jumătate 😉 De la zâmbetul impecabil al fetelor de la recepție, până la profesionalismul medicilor, totul a fost la locul lor. Chiar și în aceste vremuri grele, ei au fost întotdeauna atenți la nevoile clienților și, de asemenea, au respectat toate regulile și reglementările. Cred cu adevărat că Adela Zimbran și Mihai Zimbran sunt cei mai buni din oraș. Îți mulțumesc foarte mult pentru toate eforturile de a-mi face zâmbetul și mai frumos 🙂
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Un cabinet frumos ! Curat !! Și cu Doctori profesioniști !! Multă amabilitate !! Recomand !!!!

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